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Can I Buy Lidocaine Over The Counter?

The answer to the question "Can I buy lidocaine over the counter?" is a resounding yes. It is prescribed as an anti-anxiety drug in the United States and other parts of the world where it is known to be an effective pain reliever for severe cases of dental anxiety.

Lidocaine has been around since the 1960s, and until recently has remained fairly cheap. This makes it a good option for people who have been prescribed pain medication by their dentist. Because it is available over the counter, however, people with dental problems may have problems obtaining the drug. One reason is that a dentist will prescribe this medication in order to get rid of the pain caused by nerve damage.

If you are trying to treat your dental problems yourself without a prescription, you might want to consider getting lidocaine from your local drug store. The reason that it is available over the counter is that most manufacturers that make the drug have to sell their products through pharmacies, and because it has been approved for pain relief as well as sedation, it is often available through pharmacies. This means that you can use the drug just like you would prescription it.

But if you want to get it from your local drugstore, be sure that you don`t get the drug in an open container. Most likely you won`t see it in the prescription portion of the bottle. You will find it in an outer container called a cap, which is used only for cosmetic purposes, like covering a wound or covering a tampon.

You can buy lidocaine over the counter at your local drug store, but you should also check with your dentist if your dental problem is severe. Some types of dental disorders require surgery, which could end up costing a lot more money than you expected when you first got the problem in the first place. Your dentist can give you a list of potential alternatives for treatment, and he or she will be able to tell you whether or not lidocaine is an appropriate choice for your situation.

Your oral health is your own responsibility. You should take care of it the way your parents took care of you. If you need a prescription medication to relieve your dental anxiety, you should consult your dentist first and see if there is another solution that is better.

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